Jun 18 · 2 min
Colorful Kyiv: where to find the best murals
Think that Kyiv is the city of USSR architecture and grey walls? Get ready: we’re gonna break this stereotype right now! More and more walls of the city are becoming filled with the art!
Colorful Kyiv: where to find the best murals

For those who do not want to miss any new mural in Kyiv, there is a special map which will help you to explore street art in Kyiv.
1. Spaska Street, 6a

2. Borychiv Descent, 33/6a

3. Reytarska street, 9

4. Striletska Street, 12

5. Striletska Street, 28

6. Ivan Franko street, 12

7. Chokolovsky boulevard, 1

8. Toupolev street, 3

9. Toupolev street, 7-B

10. Antonovych street, 136

Watch this breathtaking video and have a closer look on Kyiv’s colorful walls!
Read Awesome Kyiv – stay always awesome!
Photo credits: Sabina Pituello, Новое время
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